Philippine Taxonomic Initiative Inc. Team


John Altomonte

Johnny is a lecturer for both the Ateneo School of Government and the Ateneo Department of Environmental Science. While his primary research focus is on sustainable energy policy, he also aims to focus on the ecological and conservation implications involved with Philippine taxonomy.


Abigail L. Garrino

Abi is a research associate at the Biodiversity Research Laboratory (BRL), UP Diliman. She embarks on expeditions in some of the country’s unexplored forests to conduct botanical assessments that help fill the gaps in the country’s floristic biodiversity knowledge. Her work as an early-career botanist aims not only to generate information on forest dynamics and restoration but also to provide insights in the management and conservation of the country’s last remaining forests.


Yu Pin Ang

Yu Pin specializes in Begoniaceae of the Philippines. He is interested in improving local awareness, and influence other passionate individuals to contribute in this field. He is also a Botanical Illustrator.


William Cabanillas

Will is an avid mountaineer and nature enthusiast. His passion and interest in exploring the varied habitats of Palawan has led to his continuous documentation of its rich and unique biodiversity.


Jayson Mansibang

Jayson is currently an MS Biology student at University of the Philiippies, Dilliman. His focus include the Aeschynanthus and other understudied genera. He is currently doing the Revision of the Genus Aeschynanthus of Luzon Island. He is also an advocate for native trees and Botanical illustrator.


John Patykowski

John is a plant ecologist specialising in vegetation dynamics after disturbance and the role of species in ecosystem functioning. He completed a PhD at Deakin University, Australia, and has almost a decade of experience working in the environmental sector including teaching, research, and advocating for policy.


Raab Bustamante

Raab, the Founder and Executive Director of PTI. His Interest lies in the Genus Begonia, Amorphophallus and the Family Orchideaeae, along with different habitat types, such as karst limestone & tropical moist broadleaf forests.


Mark Gregory Rule

Greg is an environmental science instructor at MSU Marawi. His interests are in the ecology and conservation of plants in limestone and ultramafic forest ecosystems, particularly in Mindanao Island. He also trained in the rehabilitation of denuded forest ecosystems using Rainforestation technology.


Maverick Tamayo

Maverick is currently pursuing his PhD Biology at Texas Christian University. His focus include the heath family Ericaceae and the aroids (Araceae, esp. Amorphophallus). He is currently doing phylogenomic research on the Asian Tribe Vaccinieae (tropical blueberries).


John Paul Collantes

JP is currently interested in documenting the flora of Bicol Region, Luzon Island, Philippines.